Two big events today--Obama's inauguration (YIPPEE!!!!) and a big snow storm! With all of this excitement, we were just sure that the baby would decide to come today, but no luck yet. I woke up about 20 times last night, which is pretty typical these days, but at least this time, I got to enjoy peeking out the window and seeing the snow start to fall throughout the night.
It has continued snowing all day, and by now we have at least 3-4 inches of snow on the ground. Conor and I got all bundled up and walked over to campus after the swearing in ceremony. It was beautiful and people were out tossing snow balls, playing football in the snow, and making all other sorts of merriment. We tried to take Nala out in the snow too but she wasn't too thrilled about it.
I love reading about what you've been up to Sayward, and the surprise picture of Nala made me smile so much. Best wishes for your last few weeks--I'm still hoping for February 7th--a very good day, indeed :)