Beatrice has been busy as always, having lots of "firsts". A few weeks ago, we took her out to my Aunt Nancy's land so she could play. Poor Beatrice was sound asleep and we woke her up so that she could see her first horse. As you can see from the pictures, she was a bit terrified.
Beatrice has also made her first friend--Minnie, who is the daughter of Kelly, one of my new friends in Greenville. Minnie is about 3 months older than Bea, so it is always fun when we get them together to get a sneak preview of what Beatrice will soon be up to. We have taken the girls on a couple of walks together, and now that it is getting nice, our whole family has started spending lots of time on a blanket in our front yard. Two weeks ago, we put the girls on the blanket together and tried to get them to interact. Minnie smiled and laughed, and Beatrice managed to stick her tongue out at Minnie a bunch, so we were pretty sure that they liked each other.